Peaceful Protest, created in 2020 during the height of the pandemic, utilizes a deliberate color palette of white, black, and brown to convey a sense of conflict and tension. However, rather than allowing these colors to remain in opposition, I have skillfully blended them together to create a sense of harmony and balance.
The use of craft paper as the foundation of the artwork is particularly noteworthy, as the natural color of the paper serves as a direct representation of the underlying foundation of the piece. The white gesso, which has been applied to the paper, serves as a symbolic representation of the "white washing" of history, highlighting the need to acknowledge and confront the historical injustices that have been perpetuated.
By blending the white, black, and brown colors together, I have created a dynamic interplay that evokes a sense of unity and common purpose. The deliberate use of color in this way highlights the importance of coming together as a community, despite our differences, to work towards a shared goal.
Overall, my use of color in this artwork is both deliberate and effective, serving to enhance the underlying message and meaning of the piece. The harmonious blending of colors speaks to the power of collaboration and collective action, underscoring the importance of working together to effect meaningful change.
“Peaceful Protest! “ I Stand, I March, I Protest, so that my Brothers and Sisters can Just Breathe!””
"We Want Justice" is a thought-provoking artwork that captures the spirit of the 2020 protests that swept through the world. The piece depicts a scene of people taking to the streets on bikes and horseback to demand justice and bring awareness to the injustices prevalent in society.
The figures in the foreground are the heart of the artwork. The people on bikes and horseback are shown in motion, their determined expressions and raised fists conveying a sense of urgency and energy. The use of movement adds dynamism to the artwork and emphasizes the idea that the protesters are actively pushing for change.
The setting of the artwork is also noteworthy. The piece is set in the midst of a pandemic, with the protesters wearing masks, reflecting the reality of the times. This detail also emphasizes the idea that the fight for justice does not stop, even during times of crisis.
Overall, "We Want Justice" is a powerful artwork that effectively captures the spirit of the 2020 protests. Its use of color, movement, and setting all work together to create a sense of urgency and action, inspiring the viewer to join the fight for justice.
I had the privilege of being a part of the Village of Mamaroneck BLM mural repaint and maintenance project, organized by One Mamaroneck. It was an incredible experience to contribute my skills and passion to this meaningful initiative. Check out my website to explore more of my artistic endeavors and learn about the diverse projects I have been involved in. If you have any artistic needs or collaborative opportunities, feel free to reach out. Let's continue creating positive change through art together.